Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
AdditionalUXProperties | string |
None. |
AllowContentTypes | boolean |
None. |
AllowDeletion | boolean |
None. |
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None. |
BaseTemplate | integer |
None. |
BaseType | BaseType |
None. |
BrowserFileHandling | BrowserFileHandling |
None. |
Color | string |
None. |
ContentTypes | Collection of Object |
None. |
ContentTypesEnabled | boolean |
None. |
CrawlNonDefaultViews | boolean |
None. |
CreatablesInfo | CreatablesInfo |
None. |
Created | date |
None. |
CurrentChangeToken | ChangeToken |
None. |
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None. |
DataSource | ListDataSource |
None. |
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None. |
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DefaultEditFormUrl | string |
None. |
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None. |
DefaultItemOpenUseListSetting | boolean |
None. |
DefaultNewFormUrl | string |
None. |
DefaultView | View |
None. |
DefaultViewPath | ResourcePath |
None. |
DefaultViewUrl | string |
None. |
Description | string |
None. |
DescriptionResource | UserResource |
None. |
Direction | string |
None. |
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None. |
DisableGridEditing | boolean |
None. |
DocumentTemplateUrl | string |
None. |
DraftVersionVisibility | DraftVisibilityType |
None. |
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None. |
EffectiveBasePermissionsForUI | BasePermissions |
None. |
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None. |
EnableAttachments | boolean |
None. |
EnableFolderCreation | boolean |
None. |
EnableMinorVersions | boolean |
None. |
EnableModeration | boolean |
None. |
EnableRequestSignOff | boolean |
None. |
EnableVersioning | boolean |
None. |
EntityTypeName | string |
None. |
EventReceivers | Collection of Object |
None. |
ExcludeFromOfflineClient | boolean |
None. |
ExemptFromBlockDownloadOfNonViewableFiles | boolean |
None. |
Fields | Collection of Object |
None. |
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None. |
ForceCheckout | boolean |
None. |
Forms | Collection of Object |
None. |
HasExternalDataSource | boolean |
None. |
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None. |
Icon | string |
None. |
Id | globally unique identifier |
None. |
ImagePath | ResourcePath |
None. |
ImageUrl | string |
None. |
InformationRightsManagementSettings | InformationRightsManagementSettings |
None. |
DefaultSensitivityLabelForLibrary | string |
None. |
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None. |
IrmExpire | boolean |
None. |
IrmReject | boolean |
None. |
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None. |
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None. |
IsDefaultDocumentLibrary | boolean |
None. |
IsEnterpriseGalleryLibrary | boolean |
None. |
IsPrivate | boolean |
None. |
IsSiteAssetsLibrary | boolean |
None. |
IsSystemList | boolean |
None. |
ItemCount | integer |
None. |
LastItemDeletedDate | date |
None. |
LastItemModifiedDate | date |
None. |
LastItemUserModifiedDate | date |
None. |
ListExperienceOptions | ListExperience |
None. |
ListFormCustomized | boolean |
None. |
ListItemEntityTypeFullName | string |
None. |
ListSchemaVersion | integer |
None. |
MajorVersionLimit | integer |
None. |
MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit | integer |
None. |
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None. |
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None. |
OnQuickLaunch | boolean |
None. |
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None. |
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None. |
ParentWebPath | ResourcePath |
None. |
ParentWebUrl | string |
None. |
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None. |
ReadSecurity | integer |
None. |
RootFolder | Folder |
None. |
SchemaXml | string |
None. |
ServerTemplateCanCreateFolders | boolean |
None. |
ShowHiddenFieldsInModernForm | boolean |
None. |
TemplateFeatureId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
TemplateTypeId | string |
None. |
Title | string |
None. |
TitleResource | UserResource |
None. |
UserCustomActions | Collection of Object |
None. |
ValidationFormula | string |
None. |
ValidationMessage | string |
None. |
Views | Collection of Object |
None. |
WorkflowAssociations | Collection of Object |
None. |
WriteSecurity | integer |
None. |
FirstUniqueAncestorSecurableObject | SecurableObject |
None. |
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None. |
RoleAssignments | Collection of Object |
None. |
Context | ClientRuntimeContext |
None. |
Tag | Object |
None. |
Path | ObjectPath |
None. |
ObjectVersion | string |
None. |
ServerObjectIsNull | boolean |
None. |
TypedObject | ClientObject |
None. |